
Who doesn't love a game! Press the game to start the game!

pay attention! These games are very hard to do on mobile!


Pac-Man is a classic computer game, first released as an arcade game on May 22, 1980. The game was developed by Namco. Within a year, a hundred thousand arcade machines were sold. This makes it one of the most successful computer games of all time, surpassing games like Tetris and Street Fighter.


Tetris is a puzzle computer game designed by Alexei Pazhitnov. The first playable version was released on June 6, 1984. The game became widely known after being included with Nintendo's game platform Game Boy in 1989.

My current high score is: score 13350 and rows 100. If you beat my highscore, give me a heads up. Then I add that you have beaten my highscore!

tech & design: MProgramming