Welcome to my site!
A little bit about moi!
My name is Maey Pronk.
Over the years I have specialized more and more in the field of designing, programming and hosting websites. In addition, I am also involved in SEO optimization, customer support and debugging.
Websites and Applications
Through the training I learned the basic skills of programming (both frontend and backend). And during my internships I learned a lot about developing websites for clients, making websites suitable for mobile surfers and creating and/or using website extensions.
Other experiences
I also have a lot of experience in other fields of work. I am also working as a sound and light technician at the sound company MNN-audio. I also worked in residential care at Esdégé Reigersdaal residential facilities for mentally and/or physically disabled people.
The complete package
To serve everyone in the best possible way. I offer a complete package. This package consists of designing, developing and hosting the website. This way you as a customer have the least worries and the best of everything!
Some projects
A website is the online business card of your company/organization. And a well-thought-out design and well-developed website is therefore very important. With that in mind I design and develop unique websites that suit the company/organization.